We finally have in AnnaPS the first products for small kids with a pocket to carry insulin pump!
Our first product for kids is an unisex pantie/boxer with pocket in sizes 3- 4, 5- 6 and 7- 8 years old.
In the beginning there will be two different thicknesses on fabric and two different colors, one that is sportier and firmer and the other one thinner and softer.
Colors: Sooty black(thickerfabric, sportiervariant) Pink (thinner, a softerversion)
In the future, there will be opportunities formore colors.We wanttosee firstwhich products areright for you.
A test group of parents andchildren that useinsulin pumphave triedduringthe summer the productand theyare very positive about it.The kids havebeen soexcited, they havebeen able tojump,play and runwithouthaving to think aboutthe pump.
Not having tobe afraidthat theinfusion linewillgoout, having a kid wanting wear the pump, to be able to have any clothes on without having to think about having a rotating waistband are presented as major plus.
It should be easyto carryinsulin pump. We atAnnaPSare happy tomake it possiblefor kids tonotbe bothered bytheirinsulin pump.
Price forpantiesis 29 EUR/each.
Theyare also sold in3-pairs for 72EUR and in7-pairs for 143EUR.