Swimming in Bora Bora with insulin pump in a bikini from AnnaPS
Josefin Palmén is an athletic who loves to swim. She is swimming with her Animas Vibe pump and she is carrying her pump in the bikini with pocket from AnnaPS. You can see the pictures on here blog, it looks great. We really would like to go to Bora Bora, paradise.
Link to the blog click here to see Josefin swimming with insulin pump
See the bikinis with pockets for insulin pump on https://annaps.com/wordpress/en/swimwear-bikini-with-a-pocket-for-insulin-pump/bikini-for-699-sek.html
Read more about swimming with insulin pump on blog (see link above) Swimming with pump or just be on the beach with pump and feel relaxed in a bikini from AnnaPS